Monthly News



April 28, 2022
Dear fellow condo owners and renters;
The board has made several attempts to inform our community of some of the Rules and
Regulations that affect the quality of life at the Knolls.  Although the vast majority of owners and
renters abide by the rules, it has now become necessary for the Board to notify all parties in
writing. Following is a list of several of the issues that have been brought to the attention of the

A. Pets must be kept on a leash at all times and accompanied by their owner. Any solid
waste produced by your pet must be picked up, bagged and disposed of immediately.
Feeding birds, or any wildlife is NOT allowed!

B. Garbage must be placed in a covered pail or a heavy duty black plastic bag. NO white
plastic bags are allowed. Covered pails may be put out after 4:00pm on Monday for a
Tuesday pick-up and after 4:00pm on Thursday for a Friday pick-up.  Black heavy plastic
bags may be used instead of a covered pail but should not be put out until the morning
of garbage pickup.

C. There are restrictions for the items that are allowed in the front of the units. A trellis may
be used beneath the garage light when a climbing plant is placed in front of it. A trellis in
any other area of the front yard is not allowed.  With the Spring/Summer season already
upon us any unit with an item in place in the front yard may keep it there for this
season.  After 9/30/22 any object that is not allowed will need to be removed.

D. Patios must be approved by the Board before work is started.  There are regulations for
the size of the patio and the materials that can be used.

E. Lattice type privacy screens are allowed in backyards extending no more than 12 feet
out from the back wall of the condo.  Fences are NOT allowed.

F. Vegetable gardens are only allowed in the area adjacent to the pool.  Between the mice,
rabbits, racoons and deer there are no vegetable gardens allowed at the individual units.
Potted vegetable/herb plants are also NOT allowed.

For the majority of the Knolls owners and renters the Board wishes to thank and commend you
for following the rules and regulations.  For the home owners that may not have been aware that
they are in violation of the Condos rules and regulations, please correct any areas that need to
be corrected as soon as possible.

The Board does not want to take anything away from the friendly, peaceful, welcoming
environment that we all share at the Knolls BUT one person’s idea of beauty and tasteful
outdoors displays may differ from your neighbors. The Board has discussed and has the
authority to institute a system of fines BUT we all agree this is the last step we would like to
As always the Board welcomes any and all community feedback.
Board of Managers




5/5          Cinco de Mayo

5/12        Mother’s Day

5/18        Armed Forces Day

5/25        Knolls Memorial Day Party

5/27        Memorial Day  –  Fly the Flag

May is a busy month with some notable themes. It’s Arthritis Awareness Month, Better Sleep Month, National Walking Month, Women’s Health Care Month and Military Appreciation Month.  It seems that there is a lot of focus on keeping healthy.  May 2nd is National Day of Prayer, May 4th is the Kentucky Derby, 5/16 Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day, 5/25 National Wine Day and 5/31 National Smile Day.  So now we have permission to say some prayers, be nice to our neighbors, drink some wine and give away smiles.  Also, on 5/25 our Memorial Day Party is being planned.   Wayne and Roberta Hanft are busy making the plans for that social get-together.  They are also planning a Luau to take place in July.  In June we can look forward to a breakfast that Ed and Pat Kaleita will planning.


You can make lunch reservations and see a fashion show at three different restaurants in Stony Book.  The Spring Lookbook Luncheon will take place at the following:

                                                 Mirabelle Restaurant on 5/9     (631-751-0555)

                                                 Luca Modern Italian Restaurant on 5/16    (631-675-0435)

                                                 Country House Restaurant on 5/2  (631-751-3332)

Lunches are scheduled from 12:30PM – 2PM.  Prices vary for the prix fixe menu and you need to call the restaurant directly for reservations.  Fashions from local shops will be viewed.

Discovery Wetlands Cruises will start 5/13 and go through October 15th.  This is a scenic cruise through the wetlands with a naturalist on board.  For reservations and pricing call 631 751-2244. 

So here we are in May with signs that the temperatures are warming up.  At this time of the year we start to think of our gardens and spending more time outdoors.  I recently had my landscaper plant some pretty pansies around the flower bed by the front door patio.  They looked so pretty and I was very happy to be greeted by them every morning.  But then one morning there were no flowers.  I thought perhaps I hadn’t watered them properly but upon closer inspection I noticed that there weren’t any flowers wilting or laying on the ground.  Then the reality hit me.  The deer.  The deer enjoyed a feast of delicious pansies.  Now I know that Long Island has quite a deer population.

We seem to have our own family or herd of deer here at The Knolls.  Some people love them and some hate them.  The average deer is about three to three and a half feet tall and weigh in between 125-200 pounds.  Male deer can weigh up to 300 pounds.  Only male deer have antlers, and they fall off every winter and regrow every summer.  Do you know, (or want to know??) that they can swim, run 35 to 40 miles per hour and can jump over and eight-foot fence.

They tend to be rather quiet, but they do make sounds.  Fawns will bleat to get their mother’s attention and adult deer snort and stomp a front foot if they are feeling distressed.  Bucks will make a grunting noise during the mating season.  What plants do deer like to feed on?  According to our residents a lot of the plants we grow here such as holly, ivy, rhododendron, impatiens, geraniums, tulips, hostas, pansies, roses and new plantings are at an even higher risk. The list goes on but there are somethings that they don’t like, such as salvia, coneflower, hellebore and lavender and mint. 

*There are chemical based repellents but if you can go natural that’s better for the environment. Here is a recipe for a natural repellent:  Using a spray bottle put 10-20 drops of each of the following – cinnamon, clove, mint essential oils, 1 cup of vinegar, 1 Tbls. light cooking oil and 1tsp. of dish detergent.  Spray on plants.

I know it’s frustrating to see our favorite flowers gone overnight.  The deer population on LI is 25,000 to 30,000.  We live in an area surrounded by a lot of woodland and that means sharing it with a lot of wildlife.  And let’s remember that we shouldn’t be feeding any wildlife.

I don’t have a solution but I know I would feel sad to see the deer population eradicated. 



How to dispose of your expired or unused medications properly:

Dispose of them as soon as possible.  Your pharmacy may do this for you or advise you how to go about it.  There are pharmacies nearby that do take back these medications. Inquire about needles and/or inhalation items.

     Spages Pharmacy Inc.                                         Rely Rx Inc.

     471 Lake Avenue                                                731B Middle Country Rd.

     St. James, NY  1780                                           St. James, NY 11780

     631-584-6460                                                     631-656-8900

     Open 9AM to 9PM                                             Open 9AM to 7PM

If unable to dispose of at a location you can mix the unused supply with an undesirable substance such as dirt or coffee grounds.  Place mixture in a disposable container with a lid, (empty margarine tub or similar container) or a sealed plastic bag.  Remove your personal information, including the RX number or cover it with a black permanent marker.  The sealed container with the medications and the empty drug containers can then be placed in the trash. 

Go to: for more information

For participating locations go to:

Thank you Pat Kirdahy for supplying this information

Residential Repair Program

The Town of Brookhaven is running a program for free residential repairs for seniors 60 and over.

For more information, click on the link to our Bulletin Board.





The Board of Managers would like to remind the residents that the Speed Limit on Knolls Drive is 15mph. The keyword here is “LIMIT”. Please inform your guests that when they come to visit they are also expected to drive at this slower speed. Everyone’s safety is our concern. Thank You.
